I guess a lot of people tend to shy away from applying oil to their oily, combination or acne prone skin. Just keep in mind that this regimen worked for my skin, but it may not work for yours. This review is entirely based on my personal opinions.
For fine hair, oily scalp and dry ends, I also have colour treated hair. Coconut oil is solid when it is in an environment below 24C. It is in liquid form at any temperature above that. I use a tablespoon of this oil on the ends of my hair. Apply to dry hair and leave it in for as long as you can. I leave mine in just before I clean my house every weekend. 2 hours after I'm done cleaning, I take a shower and wash the oil out with my regular shampoo. Following with hair conditioner, towel dry and air dry your hair. The reason why I suggest air drying your hair is because you have just moisturized your ends, you don't want to dry them out again with heat styling.
For oily, sensitive, acne prone skin. Acne treatments usually over dry the skin to fish out the impurities and unclog pores. Or if you're like me, I have stubborn pimples that are dormant for about 2-3 months and then when stress or lack of sleep hits me. They flare up and come to the surface. After applying my usual Clay masks to soak up the oil, or after the pimple contents have been extracted. Most of us would have a scab or a red dry spot. I apply a coconut oil & tea tree oil combo. I make it with 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil with 2 drops of tea tree oil, mix well and keep in fridge when not used. This mixture usually keeps well for 2 weeks in an air tight container. Tea tree oil is widely used as an antiseptic and great for killing acne causing bacteria. But when used in the pure form, it can overly irritate and burn your skin, because this pure oil is extremely potent and strong. Hence, you need to water it down with another type of oil, I chose coconut oil because it has great moisturizing properties. Also coconut oil has antiseptic properties as well.
Coconut Oil in a solidified state |