Sorry for being so late with my review of the November Glymm Box/Bag. I was away on holidays most of November. I'm currently writing a blog about where I went on vacation. Hence I won't be elaborating on the topic on this post.
Moving on, the November Glymm subscription has kept the sample quality up this time around. Although I don't really like receiving little perfume samples in a vial. The other product samples make up for that mishap. And hurray! Glymm does listen, I got my info card back. I missed them dearly. I usually get my boxes delivered late in the month and by the time I receive my box I have to dig through a hundred emails to find the link to the product info. And who knows if I deleted it or not. So yay Glymm! The info card saves me the hassle.
This month we received a coconut based shampoo and an argan oil based conditioner by a Canadian brand named Lys Parisien Professional. The full size retails for $24.00 (500mL) each. Our samples were 60mL each. Approximate value of $6.00 combined. They both have a thick golden yellow creamy consistency as well as a light herbal scent.
We also received a slice of Scintallating soap by Villaness Soaps. I love the smell of peppermint and vanilla. It is Cruelty Free, which is great for our furry friends. This soap makes me think of the Christmas Story, if only soap tasted as good as it smells. Hehehe. The full size retails for $5.50 (3.5oz). I'm guessing this slice is approximately 1/3 of a full size soap bar as it is not marked on the package. Approximate value of $1.85.
Next up, we received a vegan nail polish by the brand The New Black. My colour is Gold Grenade? Hmmm somehow this orangy red doesn't seem to match that name. I think the colour is beautiful and two coats is all I need. I believe this is a full size item. These polishes are sold in sets of 3-5 for $15.00-$24.00. Approximate value of $5.00.
We also received a 0.7mL vial of perfume by The Beehive. The scent I received was Honey Blossom. I don't like the strong scent of this perfume. Also I don't think this should be considered a deluxe sample either. Perfume samples of this sort are usually free at department stores and Sephora. The full size retails for $35.00 (100mL). Approximate value is under $0.35.
Last but never the least, this month's Glymm bag is a semi matte embossed snake print. It has a brown and gold GLYMM logo. A black zipper with gold hardware. This is the full size bag and it retails for $12.00. As much as I like changing my makeup bags. I can only use so many in a given year.
I wish Glymm would go back to a box type service and give us something more useful. Perhaps something we can collect. I was thinking along the lines of foldable cardboard or recycled plastic makeup organizers or brush holders. Change it up a little. It could be fun. There are some other beauty boxes out there that send you little crystals. And some that send you a treat like a mini jar of jelly beans.
Happy Holidays :)
Have a Jolly Blogmas!
Have a Jolly Blogmas!